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Vitl Life Science Solutions

Co-Mix Combined Mixer and Vortexer

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Unlike any other lab mixer of it's kind the Vitl Co-Mix allows you to utilise both the microplate vortex mixer and the tube vortexer at the same time whilst controlling the speeds of both independently.  

The Co-Mix supports 96 and 384 well microplates in skirted, semi-skirted and unskirted variants plus deep-well plates, 0.2ml PCR tubes and PCR strips as well as 0.5, 1.5 and 2.0ml micro test tubes.

The tube vortexer module supports most skirted and unskirted tube formats.

The Co-Mix also comes with a full set of adapter plates as standard.

Key Features

  • Simultaneous, independently controlled labroatory mixing
  • Intuitive touch-screen user interface
  • Effortless changing between operating modes
  • Pre-programmed with commonly used mixing programs
  • User-defined mixing progams can be added to suit your needs
  • Innovative plate-holding mechanism to avoid sample spillage or contamination when loading and unloading microplates

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Thomas No.
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Co-Mix Adaptor-1 (PCR 96)
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