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Boronate Resin

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Our Boronate resin is designed for the isolation ofribonucleotide and oligonucleotide RNA.

The resin consists of boronic acid covalently linked to a polyacrylamide support that offers simple isolation of small molecular weight compounds that have cis-diol groups.

Mechanism: The boronic acid interacts with the cis-diol groups, found in the sugar portion of nucleotides, forming a reversible five member ring complex. Impurities are washed away and then the complex dissociated by low pH or presence of sorbitol.

The polyacrylamide support excludes >6000 Da molecules from entering the resin bed and therefore is suitable only for small molecules.


  • Polyacrylamide gel
  • >1.2meq/g boronate load capacity
  • >130µmol sorbitol/ml gel binding capacity
  • 6,000Da exclusion limit
  • 45-90µm wet bead size

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Thomas No.
Mfr. No.
Boronate Resin (Suspension), 10mL resin
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$0.00 (0 Items)
Product is restricted and can only be purchased by customers with a web profile linked to a Thomas Business Account - Click here to login or create your web profile. If you do not have a Thomas Business Account, please Contact Us and someone will respond with details on how to apply for a business account with us.

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