CE2 Cleaners & Disinfectants Soap and Dispensers
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M-Zone MicroDispenser™
Micronova ManufacturingThe M-Zone MicroDispenser combines touch-free dispensing with no-hassle installation and easy change out of bottles. The compact, gravity fed unit has no tubes and a simple pump action – which means easier bottle insertion and more efficient battery use. A bubble spout screws onto the 500ml…
DECON-HAND Ethanol Based Instant Hand Sanitizer
Veltek AssociatesDECON-HAND is an FDA registered instant hand sanitizer manufactured in accordance with 21 CFR Part 211 Good Manufacturing Practices for Drugs and the Tentative final Monograph for Topical Antimicrobial Drug Products for Over-The-Counter use. DECON-HAND has multiple uses throughout a facility and…
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