Clinical Lab - Point of Care Rapid Tests Pregnancy (HcG)
Pro Advantage® Urine Hcg Pregnancy Cassette Device
Pro AdvantageRapid, one step tests for the qualitative detection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in serum and/or urine. Three variations of Pro Advantage hCG tests are available: Urine Cassette Devices, Urine/Serum Pregnancy Devices and Urine Test Strips. >99% s
OSOM® hCG Serum Controls For OSOM® hCG Combo (Ships on ice)
Sekisui DiagnosticsFor use with hCG Combo®. Kit contents: 1 vial hCG Negative Serum Control (5mL/vial) and 1 vial hCG Positive Serum Control (5mL/vial).
Serum/ Urine Test
Quidel CorporationClearly distinguishable +/- endpoint. A sensitive immunoassay for the qualitative detection of human chorionic gonatrophin (hCG) in serum or urine for the early detection of pregnancy. Uses a monoclonal antibody specific to the beta subunit of hCG in a single-step technology to accurately detect hCG.
Pro Advantage® Urine Hcg Pregnancy Test Strips
Pro AdvantageRapid, one step tests for the qualitative detection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in serum and/or urine. Three variations of Pro Advantage hCG tests are available: Urine Cassette Devices, Urine/Serum Pregnancy Devices and Urine Test Strips. >99% s
hCG Urine Control Set (1 positive & 1 negative per set) (Ships on ice)
Sekisui DiagnosticsFor use with hCG urine kits. Kit contents: 1 vial negative control, 1 vial low positive control.
Quidel CorporationA sensitive immunoassay for the qualitative detection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine for the early detection of pregnancy. Detects 25 mIU/mL hCG in urine. Results in 3 minutes or less. Greater than 99% sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. Room temperature storage. Simple one-step…
Provides qualitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine for early detection of pregnancy. Simple procedures provide easy to read Urine or Serum results in 5 minutes or less, at detection levels from 10 to 25 mIU/mL. Highly accurate. Simple no-reagent procedures fit easily…
OSOM hCG Combo Pregnancy Test, CLIA Waived (Urine), 25 tests/kit
Sekisui DiagnosticsIncreased sensitivity for urine (CLIA waived) and serum. Detects hCG as low as 10mlU/mL in serum and 20mlU/mL in urine.
hCG-Urine Tests, CLIA Waived, 50 tests/kit
Sekisui DiagnosticsEconomical. Easy-to-use, easy-to-read 2 color results (dipstick). 25mlU/mL sensitivity, 99% accurate.
Provides highly sensitive and specific tests for pregnancy. Single-step; positive results in as little as 1 minute. CLIA waived (urine), easy-to-use test. Highly sensitive assay with built-in controls ensures accuracy. Use with multiple sample types - urine or serum.
Hcg Control Set
Quidel CorporationProvide an aid in the interpretation of positive and negative test results and verify proper test performance. For use with QuickVue® One-Step hCG Urine, QuickVue® One-Step hCG Combo and QuickVue+® One-Step hCG Combo tests.
Clarity Diagnostics Pregnancy
Clarity Diagnostics, LLCClarity hCG Strips and Cassettes provide results in as fast as 40 seconds while maintaining 99% overall accuracy. There is no cross reactivity with FSH, TSH, or LH, and the test has a sensitivity of 10, 20, or 25mlU. Clarity also has Urine/hCG controls available.
OSOM Card Pregnancy Test, CLIA Waived, 25 tests/kit
Sekisui DiagnosticsUrine pregnancy test with increased sensitivity of 20mlU/mL. Fast results in three minutes. Easy-to-read black and white results. 24-month room temperature storage.
Pro Advantage® Urine/Serum Hcg Pregnancy Cassette Device
Pro AdvantageRapid, one step tests for the qualitative detection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in serum and/or urine. Three variations of Pro Advantage hCG tests are available: Urine Cassette Devices, Urine/Serum Pregnancy Devices and Urine Test Strips. >99% s
Quidel CorporationA sensitive immunoassay for the qualitative detection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in serum and urine for the early detection of pregnancy. Detects 25 mIU/mL hCG in serum and urine. Results in 5 minutes (serum) / 3 minutes (urine). Greater than 99% sensitivity, specificity and accuracy.…