Cannabis Staining

Cannabis Staining

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  • Kit Intro To Microbiology - Bacterial Growth And Staining

    Bacteria, good and bad, is all around us. In this activity students will collect and grow bacteria and then learn techniques for studying the bacteria they have grown. They will perform a simple staining technique on bacterial cells to study the morphology. They will also perform a differential...

  • ApopTag Plus Peroxidase In Situ Apoptosis Kit

    The ApopTag Plus Peroxidase In Situ Apoptosis Detection Kit detects apoptotic cells by labeling and detecting DNA strand breaks by the indirect TUNEL method. The kit provides sufficient reagents for immunoperoxidase staining of 40 samples, and includes ApopTag® Positive control Slides and DAB buffer...

  • Malachite Green Phosphate Assay Kit

    Features and Benefits Compatible with high-throughput handling systems. Application Malachite Green Phosphate Assay Kit has been used to measure the liberation of free orthophosphate in the following applications: Phosphatase Assays: liberation of phosphate from peptide, protein, or small molecule...

  • OmniPrep™


    The OmniPrep ™ kit isolates high quality genomic DNA from many different species and tissue types including animal, plant, bacteria, yeast, fungi, whole blood, and cells in culture. DNA can be isolated from samples high in polysaccharides or other contaminants that are difficult to remove from...

  • Kit Dna/Chromosome Staining Lab Activity

    Prepare your own squashed stained slide and be able to identify the phases of plant mitosis and chromosomal development. Students will be able to prepare, stain and mount slides using specially prepared onion root tips. Kit contains enough material for 15 groups. Teacher’s Manual and Student Study...

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