Separation Methods Technologies

Separation Methods Technologies

Products (10)

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  • Bulk Silica

    Separation Methods Technologies

    SMT manufactures the most reliable silica based packing materials available in the market today. When silica is used as the stationary phase, the functional groups involved in separation are the surface silanols. However, metal impurities in silica may provide additional sites of interaction for...

  • Bulk Diol 2

    Separation Methods Technologies

    SMT-Diol bulk packings are developed as an alternative for silica bulk packings used in separation methods. The Diol [-OH] functional group is controlled, and as such, provides more reproducible separation when compared to separation on silanols [-OH] from bare silica surface. Furthermore, the...

  • Ion-Exchange DEAE Columns

    Separation Methods Technologies

    SMT-DEAE [Di-Ethyl-Amino-Ethyl] column provides a unique chemically attached hydrophilic, weak anion exchange type, functional surface desirable for the separation of many biomolecules such as proteins, nucleotides, oligonucleotides, polynucleotides, high molecular weight RNA?s and plasmid DNA?s....

  • Elite Series Reversed-Phase C18 Columns

    Separation Methods Technologies

    Elite-C18 Series: SMT SAM-C18 phases with the intermediate functional ligand coverage confirmed with carbon analysis results of 16% carbon load. In these series, the density of the functional ligand, octadecyl molecule or C18, is moderated with the proprietary spacer molecule to ensure maximum...

  • Reversed-Phase C5 Columns

    Separation Methods Technologies

    SMT SAM-C5 columns consist of Pentyl as the functional ligand. The columns offer selectivities that are different from C8 and C18 reversed-phase columns when applied to separation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons. SMT-C5 columns are specially designed as complementary alternatives for the separation of:...

  • Bulk C18

    Separation Methods Technologies

    SMT manufactures the most reliable silica based octadecyl (C18) column available in the market today. This advanced new column is very stable at a wide pH range and high temperatures. SMT utilizes a proprietary bonding scheme that allows the resulting bonded phases to perform separation of basic,...

  • Reversed-Phase Phenyl-Hexyl Columns

    Separation Methods Technologies

    SMT Phenyl-Hexyl column or PhenH column, like the other SMT Phenyl columns, provides unique selectivity for aro- matic compounds when compared to other reversed-phase packings such as C18 and C8. The ìÛ-electrons of the phe- nyl group can interact with the aromatic ring of an analyte to...

  • Normal Phase Aminopropyl Columns

    Separation Methods Technologies

    SMT manufactures very stable aminopropyl [NH2] columns. SMT aminopropyl columns are often recommended for the separation of polar compounds and can be used in three separation modes: Normal Weak Anion Exchange Reversed-Phase In normal phase mode, the columns can be used to separate polar compounds...

  • OD Series Reversed-Phase C18 Column

    Separation Methods Technologies

    OD Series: SMT SAM-C18 phase with the highest functional ligand coverage confirmed with carbon analysis results of 24% carbon load. In these series, a very high density of the functional ligand, octadecyl (C18) molecule, is achieved through meticulous mixture of the C18 with proprietary spacer...

  • Specialty C30 Columns

    Separation Methods Technologies

    SMT-C30 columns consist of Triacontyl as the functional ligand. The columns offer selectivities that are much different from C18 reversed-phase columns when applied to separation of carotenoid and related compounds. Carotenoids consist of very diverse groups of molecules that include nonpolar...

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