Unsupported nitrile, chemical resistant gloves. Nitrile formulation contains no latex proteins which could cause allergic reactions. Nitrile offers superior resistance to cuts, snags, abrasions and punctures. Nitrile will not swell, sag or weaken from fat absorption. Complies with USDA and FDA regulations, 21 CFR, for use in food processing
Recommended Industries/Use
- Agriculture
- Chemical
- Food Services
- Manufacturing
- Municipal Services
- Oil and Gas
- Utilities
- ANSI/ISEA 105 - ASTM D3389-05 Abrasion Test
- ANSI/ISEA 105 - ASTM F1790-97 Cut Test
- EN374 - Permiation and breakthrough time
- EN388 - Mechanical risks from abrasion, cut, tear and puncture
- EN420 - General Requirements - This standard defines the general requirements for protective gloves in terms of construction, fitness of purpose and safety.
OSHA Standard -29 CFR 1915.157 - The employer shall ensure that each affected employee uses appropriate hand protection and other protective clothing where there is exposure to hazards such as skin absorption of harmful substances, severe cuts or lacerations, severe abrasions, punctures, chemical burns, thermal burns, harmful temperature extremes, and sharp objects.