Useful for through-plate readers and microscope viewing
- Standard, automation-friendly 96 well footprint
- Reduces total working volume up to 90%
- Saves time and money
- 125 µL well volume
Black and White Clear Bottom Plates are available with either a tissue culture-treated surface for cell-based assays or a non-treated surface for solution-based, homogenous assays. These plates are ideally suited for fluorescent and luminescent cell-based assays - perfect for direct microscopic viewing and CCD camera-based detectors. Readability from either top or bottom also affords some unique advantages, making these plates ideal for scintillation Proximity Assay (SPA). Standard footprint allows for easy integration into existing 96 well plate automation, enabling time and reagent savings. 6950A01 and A07 are non-treated plates without lids, and 6950A04 and A10 are tissue culture treated for enhanced cellular attachment. 6950A04 and A10 are sterile and include lids.