The spectrophotometer photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS combine routine analysis with spectral analysis and pioneering procedure OptRF.
- Menu-guided operation
- OptRF for standard parameters COD, NO3, NO2 in the outlet of municipal wastewater treatment plants
- Multi-layer AQA
- Application support
- Comprehensive programming opportunities
The future is here: Optical reagent-free measurement OptRF
Simple measuring: photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS from 190 – 1100 nm supports the fastest and affordable routine analytics by using barcoded test kits and round and rectangular cuvettes. More than 250 methods are available for water analytics, galvanics and general lab analytics.
OptRF – Optical reagent-free measurement
- Faster than the fastest digestion
- No costs, as no reagents or chemicals required
- Environmentally friendly and no health hazards
For the standard parameters COD, nitrate and nitrite, a spectral measurement is automatically evaluated in the UV range by means of complex algorithms based on reference spectra of the respective water matrix and the result is put out directly as concentration reading, without the use of reagents. Without potassium dichromate, without digestion - for quick testing. The composition of the water is very important for this calculation: Water is not equal to water.
The photometric methods are currently being developed for sewage plant outlets. The methods can be optimized for the respective municipal water matrix by user calibration via reference values with standard procedures like test kits. Depending on the composition of surface waters, the methods of testing and verifying with reference procedures can be used here as well.
IQ LabLink
With IQ LabLink, measuring data can be transfered from IQ Sensor Net sensors (VARiON) directly into the photometric measurement of the desired parameters for the matrix consolidation: The so-called job file is opened and the photometric reference values can be measured under user guidance with selected test sets as complete packages. The reference values are resaved as a job and sent back to IQ SENSOR NET via USB - no room for confusion and errors due to the intrinsic sensor identification. This connects the online measurement with the lab measurement optimally and without errors.
Multi-wavelength and special procedures, color measurement
- User guide of complex multi-wavelength and multi-step procedures
- Comprehensive own programming with user guidance
Environmental parameters such as chlorophyll and application procedures for the food and beverage industry are supported by programmed methods and comprehensive programming opportunities. The PC software photoLab® Data spectral+photoLab® Color offers comprehensive color analytics (ASTM, CIE, Yellowness, Gardner…..) with direct measurement retrieval in the photometer. With its multi-wavelength, spectral and kinetic measurements as well as spectral und kinetic measurements, this meter is suitable for mixed applications as well as research and education.
The data can be evaluated via GLP-compliant data management by means of photoLab® Data spectral. IQ LabLink offers a convenient connection of online with the lab measuring technlogy for maximum measuring accuracy. Its low weight and the connection to car batteries allows a flexible onsite use for safe measured value capture on site and in the field.