Refractometer Replacement Parts
- Verify product specifications
- Save money on raw materials
Like any analytical instrument, refractometer’s must be checked against standard materials and recalibrated when necessary. To calibrate Abbe hand held refractometer’s, select a test glass as close to your samples refractive index as possible. Then select the appropriate contact solution. Use 8045D04 and 8045D06 test glasses with 8045D02 contact solution and 8045D10 and 8045D12 test glasses with 8045D08 contact solution. Place a drop of contact solution on the primary prism and lay the test glass on top. Measure the nD value and adjust calibration, if necessary, according to the manufactures instructions.
8045D24 Lamp Bulb has miniature bayonet base for replacement in prism and scale illuminators on current Milton Roy 33-46-10 Refractometer
For constant temperature control, see 9836D80 or similar unit.
This product is only available to U.S. Domestic Customers.