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Avantor - J.T.Baker®

BAKERBOND® Speedisk Extraction Disks for Manual Extraction Stations

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Easier, faster and more economical testing of all water sampling types

Patented Speedisk extraction disks are neither cartridge nor membrane. A thin bed of BAKERBOND sorbent is supported in a laminar configuration to allow for filtration, resist clogging and maximize capacity, adsorption and speed.

BAKERBOND Speedisk is suitable for sample volumes from 200 mL to 2 L and come ready to be attached with J.T. Baker Manual Extraction Stations or automated extraction stations like SPE-DEX® from Horizon Technologies.

Each pack contains 20 Speedisks.

Thomas No.Mfr. No.ItemDescription
8330C01805506BAKERBOND Speedisk C1850 mm extraction disk. For use in EPA Methods 500 Series, 608 SW 846/3535 and with slightly polar to non-polar industrial samples.
0144N318055-07BAKERBOND Speedisk C1850 mm extraction disk. For use in EPA Methods 500 Series, 608 SW 846/3535 and with slightly polar to non-polar industrial samples. High Capacity.
8330C04805606BAKERBOND Speedisk C18 XF 50 mm extraction disk.For dirty samples: EPA Methods 608,846, and slightly polar to non-polar industrial samples.
8330C07805706BAKERBOND Speedisk C850 mm extraction disk. For diquat, paraquat, EPA Method 549.1
8330C10805806BAKERBOND Speedisk SAX50 mm extraction disk. For EPA Method 552.1, haloacetic acids and Dalapon.
0144N388068-06BAKERBOND Speedisk DVB50 mm extraction disk. For chlorinated acids, EPA Method 515.2. Slightly polar.
0144N398068-07BAKERBOND Speedisk DVB50 mm extraction disk. For chlorinated acids, EPA Method 515.2. Slightly polar.
0144N418072-06BAKERBOND Speedisk DVB50 mm extraction disk. For SW846 H2O phobic to slightly H2O philic compounds.
0144N428072-07BAKERBOND Speedisk DVB50 mm extraction disk. For SW846 H2O phobic to slightly H2O philic compounds. High Capacity
8330C16806006BAKERBOND Speedisk Oil and Grease50 mm extraction disk. For use with slightly polar to non-polar hydrocarbons, EPA Method 1664, Rev. A.
0144N33806106BAKERBOND Speedisk PolarPlus C1850 mm extraction disk. For extraction of slightly polar to moderately polar compounds such as sulfonylureas, phenols, chlorophenoxy acids, and urones.
0144N478082-06BAKERBOND SpeediskFor EPA Method 8270
0144N468077-96Speedisk H2O-Philic DVB 96-Well Plate, SPEFor Laboratory, Research or Manufacturing Use
0144P158132-96Speedisk H2O-Philic SC-DVB 96-Well Plate, SPEFor Laboratory, Research or Manufacturing Use

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Thomas No.
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Disk, Extraction, Bakerbond Speedisk® H„O-Phobic Dvb
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Thomas No.
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Bakerbond Speedisk® For Epa Method 8270 1 Bx
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Thomas No.
Mfr. No.
Disk, Extraction, Bakerbond Speedisk® Octadecyl (Cƒ’)
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Thomas No.
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Bakerbond Speedisk® Octadecyl (Cƒ’Xf) 1 Bx
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Thomas No.
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Bakerbond Speedisk® Oil & Grease 1 Bx
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