Polymeric anion exchange packing for isocratic or gradient separation of carbohydrates.
- pH stable from 1 to 13
- Isocratic separation of mono and disaccharides
- Gradient separation of oligomers up to DP8
- Compatible with PAD, conductivity and RI detectors
- One particle size: 7 μm
- Three column internal diameters: 2.1 to 4.6 mm
- Two column materials: 316 stainless steel and PEEK
- Guard columns in stainless steel and PEEK
Pack Your Own Columns - Hamilton offers a range of bulk polymer resins for customers who prefer to pack their own column hardware. Chromatographic capacity and efficiency tests are conducted on both bulk and packed column resins to ensure product integrity. Samples from different lots can be purchased for method and process validation.
Protect Your Investment - Hamilton guard columns protect analytical, semi-prep and preparative HPLC columns. They also remove particulate contaminants and highly adsorptive compounds from samples, prolonging column life. The designs are modular and cartridge replacement is easy and tool-free. Cartridge holders for analytical columns are available in stainless steel and PEEK materials. Semi-prep/preparative holders are available only in stainless steel. The design of the cartridge holders is optimized to reduce dead volume and prevent extra column band broadening. Cartridge holders are reusable indefinitely.