Single stage regulators for use with non-corrosive gas where single stage regulation is sufficient (5596C32, C35, C55, D40)
- Sintered metal filter on inlet stem to protect internal parts
- 2.5 inch diameter diaphragm for efficient pressure control
- Outlet needle valve, standard NPT(M)
- Tamper-proof internal safety
- Air diffusion and adsorption, desorption and off gassing are minimized by the use of stainless steel diaphragms in each stage of regulation
- Pre-set safety device to prevent overloading the second stage
Stainless steel adjusting screw permits easy, accurate setting of delivery pressure. Outlet needle valve, standard NPT(M). Check with your gas-cylinder supplier for correct CGA number before ordering.
Two stage, high purity regulators, recommended for accurate and sensitive pressure control of high purity, non-corrosive gases (5596D30, D35, D50, D55)
- Air diffusion and adsorption, desorption and off gassing are minimized by the use of stainless steel diaphragms in each stage of regulation
- Sintered metal filter in inlet stem to protect internal parts
- Pre-set safety device to prevent overloading the second stage
Stainless steel adjusting screw permits easy, accurate setting of delivery pressure. Outlet needle valve, standard NPT(M). Check with your gas-cylinder supplier for correct CGA number before ordering.